Load balance with NGINX
Load balance with NGINX In this blog I will explain how to do a load balance using Nginx and how to work with Ansible to connect several nodes and do some operations with it. I did it using the Cent OS which installed into my Windows machine. Creating Virtual Machines First of all you need to install some virtual machine into your pc. In here I suggest the VMWare Workstation. You can install it from https://www.vmware.com/latam/products/workstation-pro/workstation-pro-evaluation.html . After installing the VMWare Workstation you need to download CentOS 7. You can view the installation guide from https://phoenixnap.com/kb/how-to-install-centos-7 . After successfully installation the CentOS into your VM you can view as below. Consider this as your main server. Then create another two clones with it and name those as "Webserver1" and "Webserver2". Setting static IP adresses Now you can set static IP addresses for the three servers. This is not mandatory but it will ...